Friday, July 07, 2006

"Earth's crammed with heaven,
And every common bush afire with God;
But only he who sees, takes off his shoes -
The rest sit round it and pluck blackberries."

Elizabeth Barrett Browning

Yeah, I wish I could take credit for that one,
but I can't.

I do like it however.
It goes back to that delights thing.
But not so much as noticing the blessings,
as simply noticing God.

When talking to some youth group kids about "quiet time",
a friend shared with them that they don't have to fill the space.
It's enough sometimes to just be
and know that God is there, too.
In His presence is a good place to be.

And it brings me to another good quote.
This time from Clive Staples...
(aka C.S. Lewis...)

"A man can no more diminish God's glory by refusing to worship Him than a lunatic can put out the sun by scribbling the word 'darkness' on the walls of his cell."

God's glory is all around us.
Whether we choose to notice it
or acknowledge it
is a totally different matter.

Not that I'm opposed to "plucking blackberries",
(I think raspberries would be better...)
but maybe when we do,
it wouldn't be a bad idea to be barefoot.


Matthew van Leeuwen said...

Good stuff. I really like that little poem, except most of the time you just hear the "crammed with heaven" part. I like it even better with the blackberries.
Oh, and as for your preference for raspberries, you've obviously never picked plump perfectly ripe blackberries along a country lane in England as the morning mists swirl lazily across the golden fields...

sdouma said...

You're right.
I have not.
I also do not have your gift of poetry.
Almost makes me think you're a writer.
How do you feel about Spain and Peru? :)
For real.
that's a word gift.
I have the read-again-sigh-man-(nodd head hear)-good stuff thing going on.
thanks for that.

I still like raspberries better.