Thursday, July 03, 2008

Summer goodness

Well, it seems like it took a long time to get here,
but it has arrived.


It's funny to me that some of my summer highlights are half over -
like Ultimate.
Or like Nate, Shawna, and Thijs visiting.
Or like ...
Okay, that's all.

I had what seemed to be a very surreal summer experience last night.
I was driving home on a gravel road
and watching carefully for deer,
as I had seen one on the way down the road the first time.
I saw the deer in the ditch on the left - it was heading toward the highway.
I slowed down as I passed and checked my rearview mirror as I drove by.
The sun was setting and it was definitely duskish.
As I continued to scan the sides of the road,
something funny caught my eye.
The deer that I had previously passed
was running up along the left side of my car.
Like country dogs.

So I checked online - and apparently they can run between 30-35 mph.
Which is about as fast as I was driving.

I stepped gently on the brake and slowed a bit.
It continued to accelerate and ran past, and then in front of my car
into the opposite ditch.
And then off it went.
And off I went.
Toward the setting sun.

Summer goodness.

1 comment:

Theresa said...

Hi Sara.
Thanks for your blogs, as always. Glad you're a little more back into it. Enjoying summer?!

Do you have my email address? I'd like to have a phone number to contact Miriam if possible....Can you email me or can I leave my address on your blog and then have you delete it or something? Hmmm.

Thanks for helping,