Monday, June 04, 2007

I wish I had a picture...

but I don't.

On Saturday night
I watched the moon rise.
I've watched the moon come out before,
but never like this.

We were out in a canoe on the lake.
The sky was mostly clear
we could see the stars
the water was still
and there were two bands of cloud.

We could literally see the moon rising -
the brightness peaking - and then pouring out
above the band of clouds in a matter of minutes.
Intensely orange against the dark sky.
Only to be covered again by the second band of clouds,
but always a hue of brightness poking out the bottom
and then pushing over the top.
I could have laid back in that canoe for hours
just watching the moon
and the stars
and hearing the "silence"
that exists in calling loons and water lightly lapping at the side of the boat.

I couldn't get Psalm 8 out of my head.
I tell my students to really learn their Bible Memory verses
because those verses will come back to them when they least expect it.

And thus, Psalm 8.

"When I consider the heavens
the work of Your fingers
the moon and stars that You have set in place.
What is man that You are mindful of him?
The son of man that You care for him?"

He put the moon and stars in place.
Right there.
Thousands of miles away.
Creating light
forming constellations.
And then He put me there.
And my friends in our canoe.
To be still and know
to be peacefully in awe
of our awesome Creator
and the incredible beauty He designed in the moon rising over the water and above the clouds.

"O Lord, our Lord, how majestic is Your name in all the earth!"


Amanda said...

That was pretty much one of the most awesome things i've ever seen. And i was totally going to write about it! But you beat me to it - and probably did a better job of it. Cheers!

Theresa said...

Sarah, what a blessing to find your site! I loved reading through your reflections thus far (not finished yet). Thanks for your best wishes on my transition. I feel like I just got a hug from a big sister (that I never had)! :)
Hope the school year finished well.